
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Importance of Smart Irrigation- iZone

July is Smart Irrigation Month, and therefore the start of summer may be a great time to enhance the efficiency of your outdoor irrigation system or install a water-efficient automatic irrigation system. There are many “smart” technologies available today that allow you to take care of beautiful landscapes while maximizing water efficiency. Here are some to think about whether you are doing it yourself or through a professional contractor. One of the biggest challenges in growing crops is the irrigation system. An optimum amount of water must be supplied to the crops, after analysing various environmental conditions. The normal way of determining the quantity of water to be used can cause wastage of this precious resource. Internet-of-Things (IoT) often wants to create a smart irrigation controller system (SICS) which may determine the optimum amount of water to be used. Traditional smart irrigation is long overdue for a change in our world. Watering crops and gardens manually is quit